Welcome to PK project's documentation! ====================================== API for PK project modules and readme # Pharmacokinetic Modelling Group Project A PharmacoKinetic (PK) modelling function for analysis of injected solute dynamics over time, developed by Group 6 of the 2021 Software Engineering course. This model has been developed with the end-user in mind, and includes an easy-to-use interface to guide refinement of tissue models. https://software-engineering-bbsrc-group-6.github.io/PK_modelling/ # Authors Amit Halkhoree - amit.halkhoree@dtc.ox.ac.uk \ Cameron Anderson - cameron.anderson@dtc.ox.ac.uk \ Dan Hudson - alexander.hudson@dtc.ox.ac.uk \ Ishaan Kapoor - ishaan.kapoor@dtc.ox.ac.uk \ Joseph Pollacco - joseph.pollacco@dtc.ox.ac.uk \ Samuel Johnson - samuel.johnson@dtc.ox.ac.uk Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. automodule:: definitions :members: .. automodule:: dosing :members: .. automodule:: pk_model_main_pipeline :members: .. automodule:: solver :members: .. automodule:: ux :members: .. automodule:: visualiser :members: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: